
Crime Scene

Not recommended to start your day off this way.
Click on Oct. 2 for Jonathan's on camera interview and Oct. 3 for Gary's on camera interview.
http://www.lethbridgeherald.com/article_8400.php for Oct. 2 info and
http://www.lethbridgeherald.com/article_8414.php for Oct. 3 interviews with me & Jonathan and the woman who had her jeep taken from her. Even Clark is quoted.
I also took pictures of it all. See them at www.picasaweb.google.com/divinediva10/CrimeScene.


The Kerr Family said...

Shanna, we're so thankful that you all are okay. Clark is such a trooper to handle everything so well. It still just boggles my mind to think of what is happening in our little Stirling. We love you guys.

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Keep On Lickin'

Keep On Lickin'

How many ice creams have you licked this summer?